Stier XL455 - De Rosa Rinconada
Elegance, strength, perseverance in the struggle and a symbol of power.
Each Artesania Rinconada ceramic sculpture is hand-carved and detailed from fine grain earthenware ceramic material. The sculpture is fired and then decorated with a hand application of enamel colors and glazes to accent and highlight individual design characteristics. Each enamel glaze is then re-fired individually in order to preserve it's distinctive coloration.
Because variations occur in carving style and paint selection of each piece, no two figurines are exactly the same. This results in each figurine being a unique piece of collectible art.
Size: 35 x 20 cm.
This collection is the high range of Rinconada. They are great figures and of limited edition (1000 units).
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KundenmeinungenStier XL455 - De Rosa Rinconada
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