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  • modelo
  • Spindle motor
  • Tamaño
On the generated optical illusion effect , we can see inside a steel spiral, a crystal ball of high quality, that slips up or down depending on the direction of rotation, this effect actually conceals the movement of the ball, since being transparent goes unnoticed and produces the illusion of a levitating ball in a stainless steel.
The collection of wind mobiles that Temasarte.com offers you, will be included in the collection "Stylish Gifts" which is the destined place for decorated products, fashion of recognised quality.
Mobiles are stainless steel, especially suitable for outdoor decorating or indoors. The capricious cuts, and the modeling of the bright blades relaxing effects, hypnotics, sedatives are the perfect stress remover you can find. We add to all this various forms of steel combined with colored glass, therefore, it adds all the benefits of Feng Shui, to absorb and transform the energies of crystals, providing the harmony necessary for a good home environment or workplace. It can be accompained with the spindle motor (not included) to keep constantly moving the phone if there is no breeze or gust of wind.
The spindle motor is optional. Is provided with a support on which hang the mobile, so not having a breeze to move it, the item will always keep turning. Powered by two AA batteries (not included) and has a tab that allows on / off position.
15 result(s)
Mobile "Mandala with crystal ball" - Wind mobiles and Spirals.

Mobile "Mandala with crystal ball" - Wind mobiles and Spirals.

The collection of wind mobiles that Temasarte.com offers you, will be included in the collection "Stylish Gifts" which is the destined place for decor...
Mobile "Sun with crystal ball" - Wind mobiles and Spirals

Mobile "Sun with crystal ball" - Wind mobiles and Spirals

The collection of wind mobiles that Temasarte.com offers you, will be included in the collection "Stylish Gifts" which is the destined place for decor...
Mobile "Yin Yang with Glass Beads" - Wind mobiles and Spirals

Mobile "Yin Yang with Glass Beads" - Wind mobiles and Spirals

The collection of wind mobiles that Temasarte.com offers you, will be included in the collection "Stylish Gifts" which is the destined place for decor...
Round stainless steel spiral staircase - Wind Mobile and spiral
from 15,50

Round stainless steel spiral staircase - Wind Mobile and spiral

...destined place for decorated products, fashion of recognised quality.
Mobiles are stainless steel, especially suitable for outdoor decorating or indoors. The capricious cuts, and the modeling of the bright blades relaxing effects...
Circular spiral mobile "Lamas" - Wind mobiles and Spirals.
from 16,00

Circular spiral mobile "Lamas" - Wind mobiles and Spirals.

The collection of wind mobiles that Temasarte.com offers you, will be included in the collection "Stylish Gifts" which is the destined place for decor...
WITHOUT STOCK (Ask for the date of entry)
Spiral mobile "Star" - Wind mobiles and Spirals
from 21,50

Spiral mobile "Star" - Wind mobiles and Spirals

The collection of wind mobiles that Temasarte.com offers you, will be included in the collection "Stylish Gifts" which is the destined place for decor...
Mobile Spiral Heart Crystal Heart - Wind Mobile and Spirals
from 21,90

Mobile Spiral Heart Crystal Heart - Wind Mobile and Spirals

...harmony necessary for a good home environment or workplace. It can be accompained with the spindle motor (not included) to keep constantly moving the phone if there is no breeze or gust of wind...
Wind Mobile circular spiral - Wind Mobile and Spirals
from 21,90

Wind Mobile circular spiral - Wind Mobile and Spirals

...Mobiles are stainless steel, especially suitable for outdoor decorating or indoors. The capricious cuts, and the modeling of the bright blades relaxing effects
Wind Mobile and Spirals - Spindle motor 1

Wind Mobile and Spirals - Spindle motor 1

The spindle motor is optional. Is provided with a support on which hang the mobile, so not having a breeze to move it, the item will always keep turni...
Circular spiral mobile "Flowers of life" - Wind mobiles and Spirals
from 25,50

Circular spiral mobile "Flowers of life" - Wind mobiles and Spirals

The collection of wind mobiles that Temasarte.com offers you, will be included in the collection "Stylish Gifts" which is the destined place for decor...
Spiral squared Wind Mobile - Wind Mobile and Spirals
from 25,90

Spiral squared Wind Mobile - Wind Mobile and Spirals

...capricious cuts, and the modeling of the bright blades relaxing effects, hypnotics, sedatives are the perfect stress remover you can find. We add to all this various forms of steel combined with colored glass...
WITHOUT STOCK (Ask for the date of entry)
Circular spiral mobile "Tree of life with chakras" - Wind mobiles and Spirals.
from 28,50

Circular spiral mobile "Tree of life with chakras" - Wind mobiles and Spirals.

The collection of wind mobiles that Temasarte.com offers you, will be included in the collection "Stylish Gifts" which is the destined place for decor...
Circular spiral mobile "Buddha with chakras" - Wind mobiles and Spirals.
from 28,95

Circular spiral mobile "Buddha with chakras" - Wind mobiles and Spirals.

The collection of wind mobiles that Temasarte.com offers you, will be included in the collection "Stylish Gifts" which is the destined place for decor...
Wind Mobile and Spirals - Spindle motor 2

Wind Mobile and Spirals - Spindle motor 2

The spindle motor is optional. Is provided with a support on which hang the mobile or spirale, so not having a breeze to move it, the item will always...
Spiral magic with ball - Wind Mobile and spiral
from 65,90

Spiral magic with ball - Wind Mobile and spiral

On the generated optical illusion effect , we can see inside a steel spiral, a crystal ball of high quality, that slips up or down depending on the di...
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