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Lorenzo Quinn was born in Rome ( Italy) the 7th of May, 1966. He has studied art at the American Academy of Fine Arts in New York and in workshops and foundries both in the United States and Europe. His artistic endeavours are impressive and rewarding, and have brought him phenomenal success. Hi is inspired by the great masters, Michelangelo, Bernini, Carpaux and Rodin, and frequently returns to Italy for inspiration and knowledge. Starting out as a painter in 1982 he soon has discovered that a dimension was missing from his works. He turned to sculpting because of a need to create. He felt that as a painter he could not offer anything that had not been offerered already by other artist before him. Sculpting allows him to convey his innermost feelings to the viewer, it is in fact this direct communication. Lorenzo's work is included in many impressive private collections throughout the world, which has lead to prodigious amount of commissioned work. In fact, Lorenzo has been commissioned by the Vatican to esculpt the likeness of Saint Anthony to commemorate the Eighth Centennial of the saint’s birth. He has also been commissioned by the United Nations to produce a stamp for their collection. He’s been the focus of the campaign for "Absolute Vodka" entitled "Absolute Lorenzo". His current project "The Globe of Life" is truly a dream come true and his most important work to date.
7 result(s)
Lorenzo Quinn - Dreamscape euro 2.399

Lorenzo Quinn - Dreamscape euro 2.399

"Oftentimes, I feel the need to get away to my own perfect world where the pressures and strife of everyday existence temporarily, at least, don’t intrude. Man in this sculpture feels the need ...
Lorenzo Quinn - The Creation 2899 E

Lorenzo Quinn - The Creation 2899 E

Special Mother's Day!!

"I believe in God but above all I believe in having a clear conscience. While far from perfect, man has been created to be perfect. It has always amazed me to see how ancient cultures ...

Lorenzo Quinn - With you  €uro 2899

Lorenzo Quinn - With you €uro 2899

One of the most wonderful sensations is to know that there is someone close to you and that will be there forever. I believe that what each couple is looking for is a complete symbiosis; that sensation...
Lorenzo Quinn _ The Kiss  €uros 2899

Lorenzo Quinn _ The Kiss €uros 2899

...Temasarte.com one new sculpture of Lorenzo Quinn. As always brings out the modern style and easy to assimilate.  It corresponds to the 11th edition of this particular edition. After the 10th edition where we celebrate for triple accounting with “Give and take”, “tension” and “gravity”, Now comes the new one.

Lorenzo Quinn - Sculpture "Trust"  euro 2.999

Lorenzo Quinn - Sculpture "Trust" euro 2.999


The most wonderful feeling and greatest responsibility is that of knowing that someone has complete trust in you. That feeling of total unabated abandonment in your hands...

Lorenzo Quinn - Adán and Eva

Lorenzo Quinn - Adán and Eva

"I believe woman is the essence of Man's soul. This is what I tried to express in my continuation of Adam. I feel Man is not whole without Woman. Take out the woman, and the man is void. My wife, Giovanna, is the essence of my soul. I cannot even imagine life without her." LORENZO QUINN
Lorenzo Quinn - Hand of God € 8.990

Lorenzo Quinn - Hand of God € 8.990

"One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with ...

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