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To talk about SONATA GALLERY is, right now, like to share with you a significant confidence, they elaborate very good artesanal artwork but they're still in a moment of international launch. Which is, and not another, the reason of why his popularity allows us to "break" international markets, I dont insist you to remember their name, because I'm sure that their popularity will go to wherever they want it to go. In any case, we would love to help them do this, to make them famous in this famous place called Internet. We know that in any case, we, Temasarte.com , are the first ones to talk about it.Logo Sonata Gallery
The artesans of this artworks, come from the lands of “The Iliad”, “The Odyssey”, or the verses from Hesiod, from the deepness of a country punished by its trendiness, but belonging to a town that has dominated the world and marked a glorious era. SONATA GALLERY stands out with figures and creations that distil a good dose of poetry, all the one that Greece could export.
George Roumanas (Petrizzi, Mesenia. 1965) is the responsable to elaborate all this artistic structural framework, for the artesanal elaboration, he uses prime materials like wood, volcanic rock from the eruption of Santorini and bronce. The final result are mini sculptures that are halfway between a comic storyboard and all the dreamlike things that a good artist has in its mind. Dramatizations of an idea, portraits that interpret in love ladies, imposible stairs, couples that walk together or tightrope walkers that look for the moon's magic. Star fishermans or musicians beneath a lampost's light and even olive trees, to leave evidence of the mediterranean scenery of Mesenia that inspires so many artists of its land.
It's a new bet from Temasarte.com to offer distinction and for it, we're proud that Sonata Gallery colaborates with its elaborations of our outlined artistic collections.
1 - 18 of 41 result(s)
Sonata Gallery - "Owl in the olive grove", wooden frame and bronze figures.

Sonata Gallery - "Owl in the olive grove", wooden frame and bronze figures.

Sonata Gallery - "Owl in the olive grove", bronze sculpture on lava. Ref.:SGP206.Author: George Roumanas, Sonata Gallery.Size: 5 x 8 x 15 cm.The owl s...
Bronze sculpture on lava "Virtuous tightrope"- Sonata Gallery

Bronze sculpture on lava "Virtuous tightrope"- Sonata Gallery

Climax with drumroll attempt to "even harder". Concentration and silence in the audience. Bronze figures on base of volcanic rock of Santorini.  ...
Bronze sculpture in frame "Journey to love" - Sonata Gallery

Bronze sculpture in frame "Journey to love" - Sonata Gallery

The effort is worth it, the distance narrows and the heart races.SG 627 "Journey to love", George Roumanas -SONATA GALLERY-.Dimensions: 4 x 15 x 15 cm...
Bronze sculpture on lava "Flight" - Sonata Gallery

Bronze sculpture on lava "Flight" - Sonata Gallery

"Flight" Sonata Gallery Bronze figures on base of volcanic rock of Santorini.  Size: 11 x 4 x 12,5 cm.
Bronze sculpture on lava"Dance" - Sonata Gallery

Bronze sculpture on lava"Dance" - Sonata Gallery

When the magic of music and body language come together to share more than just a choreography. Bronze figures on base of volcanic rock of Santorini. ...
Bronze sculpture on lava"To the meeting" - Sonata Gallery

Bronze sculpture on lava"To the meeting" - Sonata Gallery

The effort is worth it, the distance narrows and the heart races. Bronze figures on base of volcanic rock of Santorini.  Size: 4 x 8 x 7 cm.
Sculpture "Jump" bronze - Sonata Gallery

Sculpture "Jump" bronze - Sonata Gallery

"Jump" Sonata Gallery Bronze figures on base of volcanic rock of Santorini.  Size: 7 x 6 x 19 cm.
Bronze sculpture on lava "Ethereal love" - Sonata Gallery

Bronze sculpture on lava "Ethereal love" - Sonata Gallery

One of the clearest symptoms of love is to wrap it all in an ethereal and carefree atmosphere. Bronze figures on base of volcanic rock of Santorini.&n...
Sonata Gallery -  Sculpture "Olive-tree" 2

Sonata Gallery - Sculpture "Olive-tree" 2

The olive is not only part of the Mediterranean decor, for its oil is also a food culture and an ever more precious to survive. Bronze figures on base...
Bronze sculpture on lava "Circus" - Sonata Gallery

Bronze sculpture on lava "Circus" - Sonata Gallery

SGP 164 "Circus", George Romanas -SONATA GALLERY-.Dimensions: 5 x 5 x 16 cm. (2 x 2 x 6.3")Materials: Bronze on lava pedestal of Santorini.It could be...
Sonata Gallery - "Love high". Bronze figures scene on wood frame.

Sonata Gallery - "Love high". Bronze figures scene on wood frame.

"Love high" Bronze Figures Scene On Wood Frame. SG825. Author: George Roumanos. Sonata Gallery. ThemesarteSize: 4 x15 x 15 cm.Do not love a person for...
Bronze sculpture on lava "Offering of love" - Sonata Gallery

Bronze sculpture on lava "Offering of love" - Sonata Gallery

Bronze sculpture on lava from Santorini- "Offering of Love" - SGP2, George Roumanas - Sonata Gallery.Measurements: 5 x 5 x 18.5 cm.
WITHOUT STOCK (Ask for the date of entry)
Sonata Gallery - "Kiss" Bronze sculpture on lava

Sonata Gallery - "Kiss" Bronze sculpture on lava

Sonata Gallery - "Kiss" Bronze sculpture SGP194.George Roumanos, always surprises with the collection of figures and bronze scenes. This, "Kiss", symb...
Sonata Gallery - "United Family", Bronze sculpture on Lava.

Sonata Gallery - "United Family", Bronze sculpture on Lava.

onata Gallery - "United Family", Bronze sculpture on Lava. Ref.:SGP231.Author: George Roumanas, Sonata Gallery.Size: 4.5 x 9.5 x 7 cm.Happy family is ...
Bronze sculpture in frame "Couple on unicycle" - Sonata Gallery

Bronze sculpture in frame "Couple on unicycle" - Sonata Gallery

SG 245A "Couple on Unicycle", George Roumanas -SONATA GALLERY.Materials: Scene of bronze figures on a frame to hang or pose.Measurements: 4 x 15 x 20 ...
Sonata Gallery - Sculpture in frame "Lunch in the meadow"

Sonata Gallery - Sculpture in frame "Lunch in the meadow"

SG 217 "Lunch in the meadow", George Roumanas -SONATA GALLERY-.Dimensions:4 x 20 x 15 cm. (1,6 x 7,9 x 5,9")Materials: Scene Bronze figures on wooden ...
Sonata Gallery - "Street verbena". Bronze sculpture on lava.

Sonata Gallery - "Street verbena". Bronze sculpture on lava.

"Street verbena". Bronze sculpture on lava. George Roumanas, Sonata Gallery. Ref.: SGP135.Size: 5 x 6.5 x 11 cm.Verbena to the sun or night, any time ...
Bronze sculpture in frame with clock "To the wind" - Sonata Gallery Temasarte

Bronze sculpture in frame with clock "To the wind" - Sonata Gallery Temasarte

SG 201 "To the wind", George Roumanas -SONATA GALLERY.Materials: Scene of bronze figures on a frame with a clock to hang or pose.Measurements: 4 x 15 ...
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