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  • Núria Grau - Butterfly on glass balls 30 cm

Núria Grau - Butterfly on glass balls 30 cm.

Núria Grau - Butterfly on glass balls 30 cm.
Almost 40 years of history dedicated to decoration and the world of gifts have allowed the Company NURIA GRAU to consolidate, occupying an important space within this field. This would not have been possible without the good work of a work team always attentive to the needs of the market and incorporating its minimalist tendencies and exquisite design confection that are managing to shine -pun intended- in markets around the world. For this, its products are manufactured with the best raw materials, being Austrian glass and Murano glass the main base of its compositions.
The huge range of colors and possible combinations allow a personal taste to be given to any end customer, not being at odds with the speed of service, with delivery times from 7 to 15 days from the order date.
With 10 possible shades for each design, they are easily adaptable to the tastes of the consumer. After a meticulous quality control in the finishes of his works, everything concludes in the packaging, elegant and resistant to transport, including warranty and serial number on all manufactured items.
From TEMASARTE.COM we are committed to NURIA GRAU, with the conviction that her sculptures will shine among our catalog with their own sparkles.
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