Another method of payment
11.09.2006Now it’s possible to pay in our Online-Shop with PayPal. PayPal, created by EBay, allows any business or consumer with an email address to securely, conveniently and cost-effectively send and receive payments online...

Now it’s possible to pay in our Online-Shop with PayPal. PayPal, created by EBay, allows any business or consumer with an email address to securely, conveniently and cost-effectively send and receive payments online. Many Online-Shops use PayPal, because it’s fast, easy and securely. Actually is this the most usable and securely payment method in the internet. Choose to pay using your credit card, debit card, or bank account. All information you find at
Google now do experience in the USA with a similarly system with name “CheckOut” that should be have the same strong and securely like EBay´s PayPal.