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1 - 18 of 21 result(s)
Eva Traumann - Pintadera "2 elements"
from 185,00

Eva Traumann - Pintadera "2 elements"

“Pintadera Canaria”. They are called the ‘Pintaderas Canarias’, symbolic paintings of the Guanches (canarian aborigines, befor...
Eva Traumann - Pintadera "Baroque"
from 185,00

Eva Traumann - Pintadera "Baroque"

“Pintadera Canaria”. They are called the ‘Pintaderas Canarias’, symbolic paintings of the Guanches (canarian aborigines, befor...
Eva Traumann - Pintadera "blue curtain"
from 185,00

Eva Traumann - Pintadera "blue curtain"

“Pintadera Canaria”. They are called the ‘Pintaderas Canarias’, symbolic paintings of the Guanches (canarian aborigines, befor...
Eva Traumann - Pintadera "Canvas"
from 185,00

Eva Traumann - Pintadera "Canvas"

“Pintadera Canaria”. They are called the ‘Pintaderas Canarias’, symbolic paintings of the Guanches (canarian aborigines, befor...
Eva Traumann - Pintadera "Crazy patchwork"
from 185,00

Eva Traumann - Pintadera "Crazy patchwork"

“Pintadera Canaria”. They are called the ‘Pintaderas Canarias’, symbolic paintings of the Guanches (canarian aborigines, befor...
Eva Traumann - Pintadera "earth / fire"
from 185,00

Eva Traumann - Pintadera "earth / fire"

“Pintadera Canaria”. They are called the ‘Pintaderas Canarias’, symbolic paintings of the Guanches (canarian aborigines, befor...
Eva Traumann - Pintadera "Earth"
from 185,00

Eva Traumann - Pintadera "Earth"

“Pintadera Canaria”. They are called the ‘Pintaderas Canarias’, symbolic paintings of the Guanches (canarian aborigines, befor...
Eva Traumann - Pintadera "Gáldar"
from 185,00

Eva Traumann - Pintadera "Gáldar"

“Pintadera Canaria”. They are called the ‘Pintaderas Canarias’, symbolic paintings of the Guanches (canarian aborigines, befor...
Eva Traumann - Pintadera "mosquito net"
from 185,00

Eva Traumann - Pintadera "mosquito net"

“Pintadera Canaria”. They are called the ‘Pintaderas Canarias’, symbolic paintings of the Guanches (canarian aborigines, befor...
Eva Traumann - Pintadera "Tribal dances"
from 185,00

Eva Traumann - Pintadera "Tribal dances"

“Pintadera Canaria”. They are called the ‘Pintaderas Canarias’, symbolic paintings of the Guanches (canarian aborigines, befor...
Eva Traumann - Pintadera canaria "Wheel"
from 185,00

Eva Traumann - Pintadera canaria "Wheel"

“Pintadera Canaria”. They are called the ‘Pintaderas Canarias’, symbolic paintings of the Guanches (canarian aborigines, befor...
Eva Traumann - The Mayan Harmonic Module (Pintadera)
from 185,00

Eva Traumann - The Mayan Harmonic Module (Pintadera)

The well-known Maya calendar announces a meaningful renewal, a dramatic change around approximately the 21st of December 2012. The most important even...
Eva Traumann - Hollywood-Kiss

Eva Traumann - Hollywood-Kiss

Artist: Eva Traumann. Technic: Oil painting on canvas. Size: 34 x 41 cm.
Eva Traumann - La fuente vieja -  The old fountain

Eva Traumann - La fuente vieja - The old fountain

Artist: Eva Traumann

Technic: Oil painting on canvas.

Size: 65 x 81 cm.

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