Merry Christmas
21.12.2007El Equipo de les desea Felices Fiestas con tanto arte como pueden ver. Con Eira, una recien llegada a esta mundo, la cual provocó que su papá, Dani

TEMASARTE.COM team wishes you a Merry Christmas time with as much art as it gets. With Eira, a newcomer into this world who caused his father Dani to homage her mum with the first “Continuum” sculpture we released ever.
As her father says – and the pictures proves - : “first my parents put “Trust” on each other, then they “Fusion” into one and finally I was born. At birth, my mum gave me “My first caress” and now it’s me the one who’ll give continuity (“Continuum”) to my family”.
Greeting and Merry Christmas.
As her father says – and the pictures proves - : “first my parents put “Trust” on each other, then they “Fusion” into one and finally I was born. At birth, my mum gave me “My first caress” and now it’s me the one who’ll give continuity (“Continuum”) to my family”.
Greeting and Merry Christmas.