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Art of nudity, Las Palmas G.C.


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Art of nudity, Las Palmas G.C.

Temasarte.com will inform you about a very interesting exhibition of art nudity in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. This exhibition was open the doors on last Monday, 11th December 2006 with the title "El Arte Desnudo". The exhibition started at 10 o'clock in the art hall of our capital Las Palmas in "Calle Franchy y Roca" under participation and intervention of Álvaro Marcos Arvelo, member of "Área de Cultura de la Obra Social de CajaCanarias". The "Obra Social y Cultural de CajaCanarias" exhibit pictures of history art of nudity between XIX and XX. This exhibition of nudity art presents 30 works of pictures and sculptures with works of Fortuny, Zuloaga, Madrazo, Eduardo Úrculo, Cristóbal Toral, Francisco Iturrino or Eduardo Naranjo. And also it shows works of contemporary art in co-operation with the canarian painters Pedro de Guezala, Alvaro Fariña, Carlos Chevilly or Cristino de Vera.

Also in our Shop "T-mas" in the Shopping Centre Anfi del Mar, you will find a collection of sculptures of nudity art in our permanent collection of different artists:

Foto 1 "Adán and Eva" of Lorenzo Quinn

Foto 2 "Afrodita helénica" of Borghese.

Please contact us for helping you to find a nice gift of art.

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